The editors gratefully acknowledge the assistance of a wise and generous colleague, Ralph J. Gray. All of the photomicrographs in the metallurgical coke, petroleum coke, and quinoline insolubles sections and most of the photomicrographs in the graphite chapter are from his extensive personal collection built up over a lifetime of research on these materials. In addition to providing the photomicrographs, he also collaborated in assembling the atlas and the descriptions. Without him this atlas would not have been possible.
The photomicrographs for the combustion char chapter were produced in the Coal Characterization Laboratory with the excellent collaboration of William W. Huggett. The fly ash chapter was developed and submitted by James C. Hower of the Center for Applied Energy Research in Lexington, KY. Their efforts are also gratefully acknowledged.
Some samples and information were provided by Mr. Albert Tamashausky of Asbury Graphite Mills Inc., Professor Harry Marsh formerly of the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, and Dr. Gareth B. Neighbour of the University of Bath. These kind donations are very much appreciated.
The editors are also grateful for the financial support of the Coal Research Center, the Department of Geology at Southern Illinois University, and The Society for Organic Petrology. The support and encouragement of John Mead, who was the Director of the Coal Research Center at the time this site was originally developed, is also greatly appreciated.
The original atlas web site was designed and produced by Professor Susan Logue with the help of her staff at the Instructional Support Services Department of Morris Library at Southern Illinois University Carbondale and Russell E. Thomas of the Geology Department. Their patience, dedication, and skill are acknowledged by the editors. This site was hosted and maintained for many years on a server at the Morris Library.
In 2013, the site was redesigned and relaunched with extensive help from Web Services at SIU Carbondale. Sincere thanks to Liz Hunter, Jessica Mann, and Asia Lee for their enthusiastic efforts on this project. Finally, thanks to Doug Simmons of Morris Library for his help in transferring files needed to relaunch the site and troubleshooting the old site in it's final weeks.